Monday, 24 August 2015

At the bottom of the Gulf may hide the remains of ancient civilization

About eight thousand years ago flooded the Indian Ocean, for at least a hundred thousand years of civilization flourished at the bottom of the Persian Gulf. It made a loud statement in the latest issue of the journal Current Anthropology by Jeffrey Rose, a British archaeologist from the University of Birmingham.

His hypothesis based on the latest archaeological finds made in recent years, during excavations on the coast of the Persian Gulf. There's like something very unexpected, sudden, "literally overnight," as Rose, were found more than 60 ancient settlements age of about 7,500 years. There once stood well-built stone houses, they found an extensive network of trade routes, elaborately decorated pottery, pets, they even found evidence of the existence of one of the oldest boats in the world.

All this appeared as if from nowhere, no more ancient traces of civilization emerging in places found. Rose argues that these traces are buried at the bottom of the Persian Gulf. And that all the settlements along its shores were built by refugees who managed to escape from the flood. That is where there was a huge oasis where you can escape from the deadly dry and hot desert, a place washed by the waters of the Tigris Euphrates, Karun, and Wadi Baton; and sure there also existed underwater springs, not to mention the proximity to the Indian Ocean. In the best years, according to Rose, this oasis grew to the size of the UK.

Oasis existed 75 thousand Years, until it was overtaken by the fate of the mythical Atlantis. But, according to Rose, the ancient people reached the places much earlier. As proof, he makes the stone products made in East African tradition, but found during excavations in Yemen and Oman. In his view, this suggests that people settled in these places, a hundred thousand years ago, or maybe even earlier. In any case, he said, it changes the way we think about today established models of human migration out of Africa, which began about 50-70 thousand years ago.

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