Friday, 21 August 2015

The gods of ancient Egypt - Myth or Reality?

Egypt - a country of mysteries and secrets, the country of pilgrimage for millions of people trying to see with their own eyes the remains of ancient civilizations. The country's greatest pyramid, mythological creatures, powerful gods and today inspire awe and respect of generations. What do we know about it? Probably nothing from that truth which is hidden from us in the depth of thousands of years and miles of desert, abandoned by people who lived here long before us.

Pharaohs. Their different dynasty owned the land for several thousand years. They built most of the surviving structures of today. Most but not all. Yes, it is they, or rather their slaves built these great monuments of antiquity, including the largest - the pyramid of Cheops. But almost all of them were built much more then recent foundation grounds. Grounds erected many thousands of years before the dynasty of pharaohs, and erected by civilization development level which exceeds not only the present but also the ancient Egyptian world. So we think  who could exist in those ancient times? What people can ascend so high and so progressive? It was them - "gods" of ancient Egypt. And more precisely, they were just people who survived after the death of a very powerful civilization. Civilization overtaken us today at many stages of development and will destroy itself in a terrible internecine nuclear war.

There were a few isolated, cut off from each other countries in the world. Eternal rivals and then eternal enemies, they in no way want to give each other. And once the feud escalated into war. We can easily determine where thousands of years ago were those state. It is enough to look closely at the modern map of the world. Lifeless desert, that is where a billion cubic meters of sand and the remains of our ancestors are, who thoughtlessly killed themselves. Only a very small number of people managed to escape after the terrible wars. They were more and more able to know, sometimes being able to save some of their high-tech machinery. But to revive the civilization they have not been able to.

Only the strongest of them were able to unite and subdue the remnants of people. Previously accumulated knowledge and possession of powerful weapons, left over from the thermonuclear apocalypse allowed terrifying feral tribesmen. And for many years to keep them in subjection. That these were they - the leaders of the ancient Egyptians.

For generations, these people held power. Gradually their existence overgrown in various conjectures, guesses and legends. And the fear and the certainty of punishment has generated confidence in their hit. Because of the usual leaders of these people turned into "gods." But the Egyptian "gods" had one drawback, they were like all the people, mortal. Gradually leaving this world, and they take a part of their power. And along with them vanished the knowledge and technology that was stored and protected by "gods." Soon appeared the first pharaohs. They tried to create something on their own, majestic and powerful on the ruins of ancient buildings. But their knowledge was too insignificant and too primitive technology. And they, pharaohs, first decided to seek knowledge "of the gods." Search the mythological mechanisms possessed by the ancient people, and that, in their opinion, were somewhere very carefully hidden.

These searches are still continuing. In the Egyptian Valley of the Kings have a few places completely closed to the public. It was there that place top secret excavations. It was there that the Egyptians are hoping to find something that will give them unlimited power. Or even be revolutionize the world view of the past of their country. Do not be so naive. You can ever find something.

Somewhere deep in space, there are a planet populated by creatures very different from us. But precisely because of these creatures, has disappeared not only weapons left by the ancient lost civilization, but also disappeared all knowledge of it. It was their units, so-called "space cleaner", transferred from one galaxy to another, destroying all that is left behind in dying worlds. In this way they enable the next generation to start from the beginning, retained only in minor reminders, some insignificant artifacts that give space for imagination and speculation, allowing to make the choice to determine their way of thinking and of the existence of not only the future but also the past.

Such reminders of the past abound there in modern Egypt. The ancient "gods" took care of it. The traces left by them lead to the conclusion that we have not yet reached their level of development, but in terms of their ambitions, their degree of severity and aggressiveness we catch up with them. It seems our civilization has not learned any lessons from the past livings. And this means that the era of our existence is nearing its logical conclusion ...

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