Monday 24 August 2015

Tibet - a portal to other worlds

Tibetan group pyramid is the largest on the planet. These hundreds of pyramids, which are evenly distributed in a strict mathematical relationship in the four cardinal points around the main pyramid - the sacred Mount Kailash.

 The height of the mountain is 6714 meters. Pyramids in Tibet have different heights - from 100 to 1800 meters. The height of the Pyramid of Cheops is just 146 meters.

Pyramids in the world are similar, but only in Tibet, between the pyramids there is stone structures known as flat stone mirror.

 An ancient legend had that many centuries ago in this place, the planet descended from heaven, by the sons of the gods. They had the power of the five elements, and with it they built a giant city.

 Many people believe the eastern Mount Kailash is the holiest site in the world. This and other mountains around it were built using the power of the five elements - air, water, earth, wind and fire.

 In Tibet this power is considered the psychic energy of the universe. At an altitude of 5680 meters there is a place known as Death Valley, which can be reached by passing the sacred path.

 If you can pass this way, you get into a zone of incredible strength. Stone Mirror change over time and the people who were there for one or two years, turned to the elderly. Four climbers have deviated from the path of the saint, and once back in their homes within one year, they were old and died soon.

One stone mirror with the height of 800 meters, known as the stone palace of happiness. It is believed that it is the gateway to parallel worlds.

 The largest stone mirror on the western and northern parts of Kailash, each with a height of 1800 meters. A larger plane can transmit energy that accumulates in the pyramids, and combine it with other forces to flow energy of the universe.

Some of the mirrors are carved into the rock drawings of people who are attracted modern scientists. One of the drawings shows the aircraft.

 One of the peaks of the Tibetan people is sitting stone, which is higher than 16 floors. It sits in a pose of the Buddha, and his knees are like large plate. No one can reach the statue as it is within range of a stone mirrors.

The universe is infinite

Look into the night sky. What do you see? Distant stars, immeasurable void, the cosmos, the infinite universe. And what is the universe?
The void space vacuum, which occasionally removed at great distances from each other, there are galaxies, stars, planets, asteroids, comets, cosmic dust and other elements of matter.

To reach the nearest planet outside the solar system needs several years of travel, and the speed should be equal to the speed of light, which we are unlikely to achieve in the near future. Can you imagine such a great distance? But it is the closest planet to us.

In the universe, billions of stars are visible from the solar system. In fact, their number is much greater. The universe is infinite, it has no boundaries. Before them it is impossible to reach and see. They are not even imaginable. What do we know about the universe? Almost nothing. We can only observe from Earth, starlight that reaches us through millions of years. During this time, perhaps already the star disappeared into the abyss of infinite space, becoming not more then one dust cloud. It is said that the universe is expanding. It only expands in our visible horizon. Using modern technology, we can see the light from distant stars, weak, residual distorted, fading light vibrations. Why we do not see what is to be next? These vibrations just do not reach us, fainting and extinguished by such a long journey. So, we see only a part of the universe. If we were able to reach the most distant star visible to us, from there we would see more farther away, innumerable stars, space objects, or are you hoping to see the "brick wall"? In the universe there are no limits

The Universe is a huge cycle, a vicious circle, Collided, or the way you like. It can not fly. If, however, to imagine that we can fly through it with incredible speed, then returning back to the world from where we flew, the time will be drastically completely different. Because the universe is impossible to fly through. where ever we go, we are always heading back to the starting point, it attracts us as an electron that can not break away from the nucleus. But we can not fly away, because the distances are so great that they even can not be imagined.

For comparison, we are on the globe on a straight road. More precisely, it seems to us that we are right, but Earth's gravity distorts our direct way. This we now know that the Earth is round and that we are going in circles. The universe distort space as the Earth distorts our way. Across the Universe pull it quickly, even if we fly at the speed of light. It's just that we will pass the Earth less than a millimeter per year, but in this time grow the grass and trees, dry up rivers and seas, there are new, towering mountains, crumbling cliffs, canyons are formed, everything changes. And if billions of years we go back, it will be a completely different world, unknown to us, we do not even realize that we are at the starting point. We'll go ahead and look, where is the starting point and where the end of our journey is, where the border are. But we did not find. Modern humanity is not able to fly around the universe, finding its limits, but simply to recognize its greatness and infinity.

The spirits are there, say some scientists

The energy and spirit does not die with the physical body. Such a conclusion was Albert Einstein himself. The scientist, who changed the perception of the world around us believe that after the death of a man, he is transferring into energy. And this energy is, in fact, the soul of man.

Another version of the origin of the spirits is that the mind and body together make up our personality. When the body ceases to function, the spirit goes to another level of consciousness. And the specter of a restless spirits who could not go to the next world for one reason or another. A unique feature of the spirits is that they can materialize and dematerialize. Many people argue that to protect themselves from the presence of ghosts, the room temperature should be reduced.

 The great scientist developed the theory of relativity, in which he argued that the space around us is full of with an invisible to the naked eye, a substance called ether. In accordance with the laws of physics, the air takes subtle levels of organization of matter. Any material body made of atoms and molecules can be broken down into components of the physical ether, thereby releasing energy much more than nuclear fusion.

 Some modern scholars argue that the "ether" is the energy that is released after death. This theory is contrary to the official opinion of the scientific community, according to which the ghosts are no more than hallucinations.

The legacy of Atlantis

Many scientists believe that the Axumite monoliths - a strange structure, which rises in the Ethiopian town of Axum, in fact, the traces left by the Atlanteans - the inhabitants of the mythical Atlantis.
 The big stone in the shape of a regular rectangle, 30 meters in height and weighs about 500 tons. Other stones are 20 meters high. Each of them was treated by hand, there are a lot of jewelry, but all are located in a chaotic manner.

According to ancient records from the Ethiopian town of Axum, ancient stones originated many years before our era. Scientists believe that the stones used to decorate the technology that we are not yet known.
 However, according to historians, Aksum was built by natives, who knew no other equipment, except for stone and copper tools.

 It is not clear how the huge stones were moved. There is speculation that the natives built their city on the ruins of an ancient civilization from which they got the stones.
 According to one version of scientists, at the beginning of our era there was a thriving African country Ak Sum. It appeared before biblical times.

 Many of the monoliths are actually giant steles and obelisks. Some of them are in huge platforms with a length of 120 m and a width of 80 meters. Below them were whole rooms which in 1938 were divided as a result of the bombing.

 There are also scientists who think that these ruins are the remnants of the chambers of the Negus - Axumite ruler. According to their assumptions, in one of the underground palaces were more than 1,000 rooms.
 The floors were decorated with green and white marble, and the walls with dark wood and marble, with gold inlays. There is evidence that palaces of Negus had 14 floors.

The human soul

Man is not alone. Ever since its inception, with the first glimpse of consciousness until the last moments of life, there is another creature with him invisibly present. It is our soul. Yet we call it our second "I".

Man is not a robot or an unfeeling machine. He can love, hate, worry doubt. And what part of our body is able to produce the strong emotions that we so richly endowed? Maybe it's our brain, but no, its not that. The human brain is a powerful cybernetic installation, a supercomputer, all the possibilities and potential of which is unlikely to be revealed by. Our brain is just a machine. But the machines are dead, they can not feel any sense. So, there is something that divides us into good and evil people, into friends and enemies, and even dying, in some doubt. Or maybe it is not something, but someone? Someone is always located next to the man. An invisible creature that lives in the body. Being kind and harmless, consisting of mere emotion, and as opposed to its cold and calculating mind. This is it - the human soul. That it makes us tremble, worry and even arguing with itself. Do not believe me? Then think of how often you make important decisions for yourself every second, without any hesitation.

Never! Doubts overwhelm you, you're looking for options, argue, prove something, you think to yourself. No, you do not argue with them. So you're talking with your soul. And that it will help you invisibly pushing to the right decision. It is your sole mate and friend. Soul - being incorporeal. It lives forever and never grow old, unlike the human body consisting of flesh and blood. It is for this decrepit an old man of his physical nature is still young and full of energy there, in the depths of his soul.

We do not know where souls live. Where did they come from and where fly away, after leaving the human body. Perhaps somewhere in the depths of space, there is a planet, the abode of human souls. And it is there that they find their refuge and solace. We do not know why these creatures live in every human body. Who makes them do this? What power sends them to us? But without these things we never would have been people, and at all stages of our development, we were just machines, robots. Smart, practical, soulless, unable for any stupid act. Perhaps such an existence for us would be more reasonable?

Rice can cause cancer if cookd the wrong way

A team of British scientists has taken several types of rice, and cook it in different ways. The objective was not to prepare their own meal and rice, but to get rid of harmful substances it contains that provoke the development of cancer.

People who eat a lot of rice are at risk of getting lung cancer and bladder cancer, if they do not cook it properly. How to do it, told researchers from Queen's University in Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK), who conducted a series of experiments.

 The scientists set out experiment to know that how could get rid of large amounts of inorganic arsenic the rice contained - a substance that causes a number of serious diseases. To do this, they took six samples of brown rice, polished and without shell, and cooked them in different ways.

 The researchers changed the ratio of rice and water, and used two methods of cooking: in virtue prepared steamed rice, constantly flowing through the hot distilled water; modeled in home - in the coffee machine, the principle of which also provides constant circulation of water through the grain. According to the data, if the preparation ratio of water to rice is 12: 1, it takes up to 57 ± 5% arsenic off. In this case both the cooking process will remove certain types of rice to 85% of a hazardous substance. These data are presented in the journal POLS ONE, which published the full version of the article of the researchers.

Rice growing in the flooded fields saturated with arsenic, that this water leaches from the soil. As a result, rice becomes far from a useful product. According to the authors study, the constant exposure to inorganic arsenic in the body can lead to various diseases, including developmental disorders, diseases of the heart and the nervous system, diabetes, lung cancer and bladder cancer.

According to scientists data, rice contains 10 times more arsenic than other products. At the same time infants and young children eat an average of three times more rice than adults, because in some countries, rice is a popular product for feeding the baby during the transition from breast milk to mixture of other food. Meanwhile, according to the recommendation of the British Food Standards Agency, children under four and a half years old should not be given rice milk.

By the way, according to research by scientists from Sri Lanka, when cooking rice with a teaspoon of coconut oil from 20 to 40 minutes, and then leave it in the refrigerator for 12 hours, grains calorie reduced by 50-60%.

Restored ancient Inca aircraft

Several years ago, two German aeronautical engineer, Algund Eenboom and Peter Belting managed to create a scaled copy of the very unusual artifact - a model of the aircraft found during archaeological excavations of an ancient Inca city.

The test flight was carried out in 1997 at the conference of the Society of ancient Astronautics (Ancient Astronaut Society), held in Orlando, Florida. The designers claim that they have made as the original shape with no modifications, and one hundred percent retained original aerodynamic performance. At the same time, as the driving force unit has been created a screw motor.

The initial discovery on which the project was based was designed by Eenbooma and belting, there were small gold ornaments found in the tombs of Incas. These tiny objects were in the form of aircraft, and on the wings of some of them even have gun turrets. According to the scientist Richard Hoagland, as well as the research team The Enterprise Mission, the event is further proof that, with the decline of the era of the Inca civilization, it lost technologically advanced civilization.

Among other evidence in favor of what the ancients had "uncharacteristic" for their time technologies are small gliders that have been found in tombs in Egypt. Made in the shape of birds, these devices retain some functionality: the statements of individual professionals, they are able to overcome quite a long distance. Of course, as in the previous case, it is only the miniature models, but Hoagland insists that these models could be larger in original forms. In particular, it suggests that the gold figures may not be decorations and toys, such as miniature modern soldiers or tanks.

Thus, referring to the presence of functional models of air transport, which were found during excavations of civilizations separated by the Atlantic Ocean, it is possible to judge the possibility of the existence of a global technologically advanced society thousands of years ago. However, given that the metal and wooden structure completely decomposed over 12,500 years, so how we get some idea that it could be an ancient society? According to researcher Edgar Cayce, for a term all above-ground construction, as well as major appliances, such as means of transport, would be wiped out under the pressure of the elements.

On the other hand, ornaments and other small objects could very well live up to our days, hidden in the tombs and catacombs. Therefore, it is not excluded that by the Incas decorations were from some more ancient civilization - in this case, the figure could be more profound, sacred character.
Whatever the purpose of the detected artifacts could be, do not forget that in any case You could copy. It is possible that all results and figures are copies of some of the lost object.

It is worth noting that the official version, according to which the findings are stylized images of insects, most archaeologists swings - too obvious lack of real similarities. At least in the fauna of the South American insects with such appearance is certainly not a number. Besides, it is difficult to overlook the "technical" elements of the figures, in particular the vertical stabilizer. According to Eenbooma, ancient masters were surely able to make functional objects of such form, they definitely knew what they were doing.