Monday, 24 August 2015

The legacy of Atlantis

Many scientists believe that the Axumite monoliths - a strange structure, which rises in the Ethiopian town of Axum, in fact, the traces left by the Atlanteans - the inhabitants of the mythical Atlantis.
 The big stone in the shape of a regular rectangle, 30 meters in height and weighs about 500 tons. Other stones are 20 meters high. Each of them was treated by hand, there are a lot of jewelry, but all are located in a chaotic manner.

According to ancient records from the Ethiopian town of Axum, ancient stones originated many years before our era. Scientists believe that the stones used to decorate the technology that we are not yet known.
 However, according to historians, Aksum was built by natives, who knew no other equipment, except for stone and copper tools.

 It is not clear how the huge stones were moved. There is speculation that the natives built their city on the ruins of an ancient civilization from which they got the stones.
 According to one version of scientists, at the beginning of our era there was a thriving African country Ak Sum. It appeared before biblical times.

 Many of the monoliths are actually giant steles and obelisks. Some of them are in huge platforms with a length of 120 m and a width of 80 meters. Below them were whole rooms which in 1938 were divided as a result of the bombing.

 There are also scientists who think that these ruins are the remnants of the chambers of the Negus - Axumite ruler. According to their assumptions, in one of the underground palaces were more than 1,000 rooms.
 The floors were decorated with green and white marble, and the walls with dark wood and marble, with gold inlays. There is evidence that palaces of Negus had 14 floors.

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