Monday, 24 August 2015

Tibet - a portal to other worlds

Tibetan group pyramid is the largest on the planet. These hundreds of pyramids, which are evenly distributed in a strict mathematical relationship in the four cardinal points around the main pyramid - the sacred Mount Kailash.

 The height of the mountain is 6714 meters. Pyramids in Tibet have different heights - from 100 to 1800 meters. The height of the Pyramid of Cheops is just 146 meters.

Pyramids in the world are similar, but only in Tibet, between the pyramids there is stone structures known as flat stone mirror.

 An ancient legend had that many centuries ago in this place, the planet descended from heaven, by the sons of the gods. They had the power of the five elements, and with it they built a giant city.

 Many people believe the eastern Mount Kailash is the holiest site in the world. This and other mountains around it were built using the power of the five elements - air, water, earth, wind and fire.

 In Tibet this power is considered the psychic energy of the universe. At an altitude of 5680 meters there is a place known as Death Valley, which can be reached by passing the sacred path.

 If you can pass this way, you get into a zone of incredible strength. Stone Mirror change over time and the people who were there for one or two years, turned to the elderly. Four climbers have deviated from the path of the saint, and once back in their homes within one year, they were old and died soon.

One stone mirror with the height of 800 meters, known as the stone palace of happiness. It is believed that it is the gateway to parallel worlds.

 The largest stone mirror on the western and northern parts of Kailash, each with a height of 1800 meters. A larger plane can transmit energy that accumulates in the pyramids, and combine it with other forces to flow energy of the universe.

Some of the mirrors are carved into the rock drawings of people who are attracted modern scientists. One of the drawings shows the aircraft.

 One of the peaks of the Tibetan people is sitting stone, which is higher than 16 floors. It sits in a pose of the Buddha, and his knees are like large plate. No one can reach the statue as it is within range of a stone mirrors.

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