Several years ago, two German aeronautical engineer, Algund Eenboom and Peter Belting managed to create a scaled copy of the very unusual artifact - a model of the aircraft found during archaeological excavations of an ancient Inca city.
The test flight was carried out in 1997 at the conference of the Society of ancient Astronautics (Ancient Astronaut Society), held in Orlando, Florida. The designers claim that they have made as the original shape with no modifications, and one hundred percent retained original aerodynamic performance. At the same time, as the driving force unit has been created a screw motor.
The initial discovery on which the project was based was designed by Eenbooma and belting, there were small gold ornaments found in the tombs of Incas. These tiny objects were in the form of aircraft, and on the wings of some of them even have gun turrets. According to the scientist Richard Hoagland, as well as the research team The Enterprise Mission, the event is further proof that, with the decline of the era of the Inca civilization, it lost technologically advanced civilization.
The test flight was carried out in 1997 at the conference of the Society of ancient Astronautics (Ancient Astronaut Society), held in Orlando, Florida. The designers claim that they have made as the original shape with no modifications, and one hundred percent retained original aerodynamic performance. At the same time, as the driving force unit has been created a screw motor.
The initial discovery on which the project was based was designed by Eenbooma and belting, there were small gold ornaments found in the tombs of Incas. These tiny objects were in the form of aircraft, and on the wings of some of them even have gun turrets. According to the scientist Richard Hoagland, as well as the research team The Enterprise Mission, the event is further proof that, with the decline of the era of the Inca civilization, it lost technologically advanced civilization.
Among other evidence in favor of what the ancients had "uncharacteristic" for their time technologies are small gliders that have been found in tombs in Egypt. Made in the shape of birds, these devices retain some functionality: the statements of individual professionals, they are able to overcome quite a long distance. Of course, as in the previous case, it is only the miniature models, but Hoagland insists that these models could be larger in original forms. In particular, it suggests that the gold figures may not be decorations and toys, such as miniature modern soldiers or tanks.
Thus, referring to the presence of functional models of air transport, which were found during excavations of civilizations separated by the Atlantic Ocean, it is possible to judge the possibility of the existence of a global technologically advanced society thousands of years ago. However, given that the metal and wooden structure completely decomposed over 12,500 years, so how we get some idea that it could be an ancient society? According to researcher Edgar Cayce, for a term all above-ground construction, as well as major appliances, such as means of transport, would be wiped out under the pressure of the elements.
On the other hand, ornaments and other small objects could very well live up to our days, hidden in the tombs and catacombs. Therefore, it is not excluded that by the Incas decorations were from some more ancient civilization - in this case, the figure could be more profound, sacred character.
Whatever the purpose of the detected artifacts could be, do not forget that in any case You could copy. It is possible that all results and figures are copies of some of the lost object.
It is worth noting that the official version, according to which the findings are stylized images of insects, most archaeologists swings - too obvious lack of real similarities. At least in the fauna of the South American insects with such appearance is certainly not a number. Besides, it is difficult to overlook the "technical" elements of the figures, in particular the vertical stabilizer. According to Eenbooma, ancient masters were surely able to make functional objects of such form, they definitely knew what they were doing.
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