Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Myths about the weather

Stars indicate whether it would be rain tomorrow - if they shine in the night, the next day the weather is sunny, if not - be prepared for rain. Actually, its not quite the same, Indeed, when the stars are not visible, this means that there are clouds in the sky, but the wind moves the clouds so fast that it can not be considered unambiguous sign of the weather the next day.

 Red sky in the morning is a warning to sailors in the evening - so it will be a calm sea. This myth is known from the time of the Bible, but it doesn't makes it very accurate. To some extent, it can be accurately predicted, if you look at the sky at the right time, such as at dusk.

When the sky is red, it indicates that the air is filled with a large quantity of dust particles, and it indicates a high pressure, and stability in the air supplied from the west. This may mean that the weather forecast is good.
 When the leaves fall down - it will rain. Forecasters say it's true, but depending on the type of wood. Poplars are a good indicator of the weather, its leaves are able to respond to sudden changes in humidity, which softens the leaves.

 At first animals feel the approaching storm, especially dogs. Some animals are more sensitive to changes in air pressure. If your dog has a keen ear, it hears thunder a little earlier than you.
 It is believed that animals react to the earthquake and tsunami in few seconds before the people. There is quite a false statement that if a dog eats grass is to be a storm. Dogs eat grass when they feel bad, and it can be quite by chance before the storm, but it does not indicate a change in the weather.

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