Friday, 21 August 2015

Strange predictions

People will eat artificial meat, children will be born in human incubators, there will be a pill to increase intelligence, and people will live in the underwater city.

 These forecasts did a Russian writer and futurist. He wrote a chronicle of the future, using a combination of authoritative predictions futurists, the predictions of the prophets and modern research and predictions of scientists.

2009 - 2025 years - the mass introduction of robotic androids in industrial production.

2010- scientific proof of the existence of the soul after death.

2010 - 2020 years - the decline of religion and the flourishing of alternative medicine.

2015-2020 - scientists find a vaccine against AIDS.

2012 - will set up the tablet to increase intelligence.

2013 - the first farm of artificial meat.

2016 - embedded computer systems will manage the vehicles on the ground.

2025 - the beginning of a global water crisis. Two-thirds of the population will experience shortages of life-giving liquid. We will build plants for processing of seawater into drinking water.

2026 - the creation of an artificial brain. Robots will become full members of society and will have the right to vote and choice.

2027 - get the radio signals from intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations.

2029 - will set up the first cyborg.

2030 - it will have developed a method to prevent aging.

2035 - the destabilization of the world economy because of the water crisis.

2038 - 20% of the food on the earth, will be produced in the underwater forms.

2039 - the children will grow in artificial wombs in the first created human incubator.

2060 - the emergence of new global religion that will swallow everything else.

2075 - all countries will legalize euthanasia.

2081 - the mass construction of churches for communion with the cosmic mind.

2090 - construction of underwater cities.

2110 - 5% of the population will be transsexual.

2114 - mass contacts of people with aliens.

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