Friday, 21 August 2015

People without fingerprints

Some people are born with defects that make them absolutely imperceptible in the commission of criminal offenses. Such individuals suffering from a particular type of mutation. Because they are born without fingerprints. There is a disease in which no fingerprint line formed on the fingers.
 The fingerprints are absolutely unique to each person. Because they are used as a marker of identity. No two people have the same fingerprints.

A condition in which no fingerprint lines are on the fingers, called adermatoglifiya. This condition is caused by a genetic mutation that is very rare.

 It is seriously studied by the leading experts in the field of genetics, but it is not clear that what is the mechanism that causes genetic mutations in humans. Swiss experts have studied a family in which half of the members were born without fingerprints, as they were suffering from adermatoglifii.

 They have lines on the palms of the hands or feet. When these people were fingerprinted, instead of the usual form of concentric circles, spots were obtained. These people have a lot less sweat glands in the hands and feet. Mutations in these people is manifested in the gene disorder. This gene is responsible for many processes in the human organism.

 Birth of people without fingerprints is likely due to the fact that a copy of a gene can not work properly. These people have a longer version of the gene disorder. It works well in any other parts of the body, but only prevents the formation of characteristic lines of the fingerprint.

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