Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Battlefield, The Earth?

Hurricanes and earthquakes, floods and giant tsunami killed thousands, dozens of cities razed to the ground. What is it? Images from a horror movie or reports from the battlefields? Maybe somewhere there is a nuclear war? No. It's just a normal ordinary terrestrial news bulletins.We hear them every day, and because of this daily routine, we so accustomed to them that almost nothing we do, and do not pay any attention to it. And it is today, our biggest mistake. We do not notice the obvious - anyone confidently and purposefully promotes our world to the most terrible and perhaps the last war in the history of mankind. Who is it? Which country decided on this desperate move? Who wanted one man rule and the rule on Earth?

A few years ago we would have said - only two countries are capable of it, Russia and America. After all, they have the most advanced technology and they have in their arsenal the most powerful and sophisticated weapons. But it was yesterday, when between them there was open hostility. But today has nothing to share. They still are not good friends, but not sworn enemies. In addition, each of these country is itself subject to terrible disasters, carrying away thousands of lives each year, natural anomalies, which with confidence can be called nothing but a new and unknown to us, the climate weapon. But who made these weapons and who decided to use it against our planet, what forces control it? The answer is simple, and this is even more terrible.

This weapon was not created on our planet and those who are now using it against us, not human. For many millennial, the Earth attracts the attentive gaze of creatures from other worlds, far away planets and galaxies. Some of them help us, others just studying, others are using humanity as an incubator of donor organs. But there is another category of aliens, their goal is to completely take over the Earth, but before that to get rid of its inhabitants. With their arms this can be done in a matter of hours. We have nothing to counter the alien technology. And our famous intercontinental missiles, so frightening modern humanity, will not be able to even get off the ground, and will remain in their closed mines and plants. They are awkward and clumsy newcomers disconnect another approach to the Earth, as it has happened more than once. But do not worry, it's just a worst-case scenario and it is unlikely our aggressors once the resort. After all, there is also space in the eating rules, rules of conduct and laws protecting such worlds like ours. And they dare not disturb each. They never attack us openly. But quiet and silent destruction of earthlings happening for quite some time. Even today's state system, so hard engrafted us, only leads to one thing - the enslavement and destruction of one man by another. After all, it is their messengers, conspired with the representatives of the world's leading countries, deliver, as we are trying to convince the advanced technology. Technology whose sole purpose is to take total control over mankind.

Think about it, and why we are crumbling from any tremor from hundreds of nuclear power plants, if we still do not know how to deal with radiation and what to do with the mountain of radioactive waste? And why do we cellular communications, if it so strongly affects the mental ability of people? And why for more than half a century, our spaceships fly all on the same inefficient and outdated fuel. Who prevents to invent something new that can radically change the existing idea of ​​space travel? After all, our space program is the only thing that is capable of today to launch another satellite, and this we do not even always get done. Extraterrestrial forces oppose this run. Be of good cheer! And no one thinks, and what are our satellites transmitting signals to Earth, except for people who program them? And what a cruel joke they could play in a possible space war?

Every day on television we scare different horror stories, global warming, global cooling, changing the poles, stop the Gulf Stream. Any of these hazards could prove fatal to mankind. Which of them will be choose for us by our "cosmic friends"? Yesterday was Chernobyl, and Fukushima today. What will happen tomorrow? Perhaps the Japanese and the British Isles, as well as many others, completely sink to the ocean bottom, and become a mirage of a modern Atlantis. Many countries will cease to exist, most of the continent become empty. And it's not just a grim prognosis, it is our real future. But today, all the inhabitants of our little interest. They complete their less global problems. But when they raise their heads and look at the sky, it's too late.
Destruction of humanity moves to a more rapid rate. Extraterrestrial forces are in hurry. Why do they need a lifeless planet, which can people leave behind? They need a blossoming world fit to live in, they have big plans. So what is the end - really no way out? What can a man today for your salvation? There is an exit. First and foremost, to make a global association of all countries into one. And then there will be no Russia, no America or other countries. It will be just planet Earth. There will be a State Land. A single state with a single government and a new common religion for all people. And then the internecine war will be over. And you do not need weapons that once a person killed another person. And to release a huge intellectual potential, aimed at addressing the global challenges related to the protection of the planet and its arrangement. Forget about oil and gas and create an unprecedented new fuel for our newest spaceships. And all the people will have one common goal and common dreams. Then no enemy to the farthest margins of space will be able to win, and even frightening.

People throw all their worthless insignificant things, keep enough to live a single day. Try just a few moments to think, if not about the future, at least about the future of our children. Today, you can still make a difference in this world. Today you still have a chance, and you still have a future. Tomorrow, it may not be the same. The invisible war against humanity continues.

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